I completed the collage and photographed it, rather roughly since I plan to frame it and keep it. I posted the photo on Facebook and a wonderful artist friend, Margaret Stermer-Cox suggested it could be a "totem". I sat down and examined that idea. A "totem" is a spirit being, sacred object, symbol, or spirit guide. A "totem pole" (and therefore a collage) has no religious significance and can feature numerous designs and can tell stories. My totem is "bird" and has been since I first identified it years ago. I had forgotten this and did not connect my use of a copper bird with my own totem.
In this collage a bird tops the design and is tied to the work, literally, with seeds or eggs. I would say that's me. Next is a clear geometric pattern, warm over cool, copper over green over blue/silver which ties to the words: "Thoughts of Spring. Rebirth. New Growth. New Beginnings. Coming Summer Heat. Retreating Winter Chill" which follow. Next is the origami Sun in the green of new spring growth with a sparkly gold center. Finally the fractured pattern, a reminder of the fragility of life, how easily torn apart it can be. This echoes what I've explored in my Desert Series, the lesson of the earth.
This collage most certainly is a "totem" and a story type. Roxanne pointed out in her book: "A collage is a story of this moment in time". As I studied this collage I realized I've been ahead of myself and of my conscious thought all along. I knew this was the trend two years ago. I just didn't know how to express it. So I learned a lot about myself and my art today, through the help of my friends.
Hi Sandra! Wonderful story. The real "magic" is in your head, bring the different pieces together. I like the idea of the collage being a story of this moment in time. Do you suppose the story re-news itself every time you look at it? Thank you for the personal acknowledgement; what a delight! Funny how "totem" just popped into my head! :)